A Long Time Ago in a Franchise Far, Far Away….

Transmedia stories tell a single narrative through the use of multiple media. This project looked at how the East and West Coast styles of transmedia storytelling impact audience experience. Case studies were used to compare and contrast four franchises, and found that the West Coast style allows audiences to choose which media they wish to consume and has a wide appeal, whilst the structurally complex East Coast style will have a niche audience. Each style of transmedia storytelling places different expectations on audiences, impacting their experience of the narrative.

The title and cover design to my honours thesis contain nods to the Star Wars franchise (the focus of one of the case studies), as well as a depiction of how complex transmedia franchises can be. Various graphs, tables, and diagrams were also created to aid the reader in understanding the concepts discussed.

For my efforts I was the recipient of the Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement award.
